Heart of Marriage

Teleconferences, courses, workshops

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My passion is to guide every Jewish woman

to create a loving, connected, passionate Jewish marriage

with soul satisfying oneness.

Join me on a journey as we discover

the true heart of a Jewish home!

As a Jewish woman, you know that marriage is sacred

You know that it gives you unlimited opportunities to do chesed.
You know that it gives you unlimited opportunities to work on your personal development.
You know that it gives you the opportunity to bring children into this world.

Yet, there is a part of marriage that no one talks about.

And you have some questions.

And you can’t ask anyone right?

“I knew this mitzvah of intimacy was hugely valuable. Yet I was desperate for guidance and clarity and emotional and hashkafic level. Through Heart of Marriage, I learned about femininity,  about myself, about my intuition and about Hashem`s exquisite design for this mitzvah in a way that I never learned before.”

Rivka, New York


“B`H I was always blessed with a very good marriage but I signed up because I would like to teach Kallas and also wanted more information. I have come out with so much more than information. I now have a different perception of life and of marriage. it is doing a complete turn over and then you look around and see that it’s nothing like you thought it was.”

Shani, Los Angeles

Welcome to Heart of Marriage
Where we talk about intimacy the way the Creator designed it

And much more

“I signed up to the course for information; I got more information than I ever imagined. I signed up for the course for tips; I learned so many tips and techniques! I signed up to the course for new ideas; Oh boy! I got lots of those! I signed up to the course for practical ways to improve my shalom bayis, I received much much more than what I was hoping for. When I signed up for the course I did not expect that I would also learn so much hashkafa, depth and chachmas hachaim. You gave us a feeling of “yiddishe shtoltz”. I have a new appreciation for “ASHER BACHAR BANU MIKOL HA`AMIM”. I feel an incredible JOY for being Bas Yisroel. These are just pure gifts! I can never thank you enough!”
Chaya, Boro Park

“I became a happier, more fulfilled and content wife. And it spilled over into other areas of life.
I became a more patient mother. A more understanding friend.
I can’t imagine where I would be without Heart of Marriage.”

Rivka, Eretz Yisroel



There is so much that a woman wants,
craves and needs from her marriage.




You can have it ALL.

Recapture your feminine and sensual essence

Reignite passion and excitement in your marriage

Reconnect to your husband in a way you didn't think possible....

...  and Rekindle the true intimacy that you can experience in a Torah home

“I didn’t know what was missing. Like any good Jewish girl, I took Kallah classes, and got married. The years passed, and life moved on. We had regular marital ups and downs, but overall our relationship was fine. We were okay, but I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted depth. I wanted clarity. I wanted freshness and vitality. I felt disconnected, unclear, alone and unfulfilled. I also had lingering feelings of guilt and worry. But I didn’t know why. Kallah classes just weren’t enough anymore. And I didn’t have who to turn to. And then I signed up for Revitalizing Intimacy Formula… Now I can’t believe how far I have come. It didn’t just take my marriage to a new level – it’s way beyond that. The course touches on every single topic. Emotional intimacy, physical intimacy, the woman’s role, basics of respect and admiration, female pleasure systems… It’s all there. Whatever level your marriage is at – be prepared to take it up a few notches. And, it’s all presented in such a beautiful ruchniusdik and emesdik way, with an emphasis on kedushah. All for the sake of helping Torah-true couples achieve soul-satisfying oneness. Heart of Marriage is a must for every woman! Be prepared for unparalleled levels of clarity, depth and truth.”

Suri, London


Allow yourself a

Connected Marriage at every stage

Join me on a journey from


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